vCIO and Technology Alignment

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Technology can take your business many places, but without a proper strategy aligned with your business goals, it’s simply a tool that is likely being underutilized. With a vCIO (Virtual Chief Information Officer) in your corner, the technology that you have created or invested in can truly be put to good use.

At Technikel, we are much more than a help desk. We are a strategic partner and trusted advisor prepared to add value to your business by aligning your technology strategy with your business goals. Between creating a strategic roadmap that includes standards and best practices for configuring and monitoring your technology, and assigning you your very own vCIO to provide strategic consulting, Technikel’s approach allows your business to minimize risk and maximize productivity. It’s a lot easier to grow when your technology isn’t holding you back.

Why do you need a vCIO?

It doesn’t matter whether your business is rooted in technology or simply uses it to streamline processes and hold valuable data, the fact is, technology is changing each and every day. As it changes, more risks present themselves, as do more opportunities. As a business owner or executive, your main concern is driving revenue and operating your business, and you often don’t have the time or resources to learn the ins and outs of each new advance in technology. Your vCIO can manage this for you and identify improvements that ultimately help to grow your business.

With Technikel, you will meet with your vCIO each quarter to review and translate your technical risks into business strategy. In order to ensure the success of your business between your quarterly reviews, your vCIO will work closely with our I.T. Support team to monitor the health of your I.T. environment.

This includes:

  • Develop and maintain technical knowledge of your IT environment.
  • Ensure your strategic roadmap is kept up-to-date by maintaining, updating, and phasing out standards as technology or your IT environment changes. 
  • Perform regular proactive services
  • Identify technical risk and seeing technical issues firsthand.
  • Ensuring you remain compliant within acceptable parameters for private or government regulations
  • Be the eyes and ears for the vCIO by mastering the environment and making recommendations.

When your technology is in alignment with your business goals and strategy, even the everyday tasks become much more simple. A vCIO can help you to understand if you’re leveraging your technology to its full potential, what risks you may be opening your network up to and, ultimately, how your technology can go from being an expense to being the difference in growing your revenue.

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