How To Prevent Failed Data Backups

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Your company’s data is precious and unfortunately, it’s all too easy to lose. According to a study conducted by Veeam Software, 58% of backups fail, leaving data unprotected. When you depend on your data to operate your business, that is just unacceptable. If your data is not properly protected, your company may be at risk of experiencing issues related to business reputation and performance due to loss of data through unexpected outages or cyberattacks.

In fact, 95% of organizations have experienced unexpected outages in the last 12 months. In a world where both the need for digital initiatives and digital threats are growing at a rapid pace, it is crucial that companies protect their valuable data and technologies. As your company grows and transforms digitally, it would be a shame and potentially damaging to your bottom line to lose all of that hard work to an outage or cyberattack.

So, how can you prevent failed data backups for your company?

Working with a trusted technical support provider, such as Technikel Solutions, offers you the assurance and peace of mind to know that your data is protected by the best technology in the industry. When you’re focused on day-to-day operations and growing your business, our team of network security experts can work to prevent cyber security threats and other risks from threatening your precious data.

When you trust Technikel Solutions to protect your company’s data and technology, this is what you can expect:

  • Full Network Security monitoring as part of your predictive, all-inclusive monthly fee.
  • A multi-layered approach to cybersecurity by employing state-of-the-art detection, prevention, and training tools to keep your data safe, secure, and out of the hands of hackers.
  • Access to our 100% Vancouver customer care team here to help in the event of a data breach or cyber attack.
  • Security awareness training you can share with your team.
  • Increased productivity and less downtime with consistent optimizing of your network.
  • Industry leading Business Solutions Recovery solutions that are flexible for any environment or infrastructure.
  • Security and compliant recovery solutions with geo-redundant data centres across the world.

Reduce downtime, increase productivity and rest assured when you hire Technikel Solutions to manage your network risks and prevent failed data backups. In addition to prevention, we also offer Business Solutions Recovery services in the event that your data is lost. Business Solutions Recovery means business continuity through the ability to run applications in the cloud while your onsite I.T. infrastructure is restored. Our approach to technical support will allow you the opportunity to not only keep up with the ever-changing digital needs in business today, but also innovate and stay ahead of the curve.

To learn more about our technical solutions and how we can monitor and improve the health of your company I.T.

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